For most leaders, the odds are not always in their favor. Most have to literally start from scratch before they reach their ultimate goal while others give up in the process. It takes an ample amount of patience, courage, and determination for a global leader to be born. What the majority of business leaders want to avoid is having to manage their people. However, that is not exactly the solution you should opt for if you want your team to succeed.
Which raises the question, how do you lead your team successfully? Sasha Jacob, the CEO and founder of Jacob Capital Management Inc., comes to every leader's help in finding the best answers. Sasha Jacob is renowned for being able to establish his firm which is now famed for being the pioneer financial advisory firm to focus on the renewable power and energy sector.
Sasha Jacob shares tips on leading a successful company:
Entrust Wisely
One common mistake for every leader is their inability to trust other forms of tasks to their members. It is sometimes understandable that as a leader, you should cover some of the hard works, but that isn’t always necessary. If you learn to distribute tasks to your members, you are not only giving yourself more time to do more important things but giving them a sense of responsibility as well. With this, you get to control the whole team and get to monitor your company and your employees.
Keep an Eye on the Target
This goes without saying, but each successful team knows where they are heading. As the head of the team, the responsibility of setting the goal is upon you. Set a specific and plausible target for your team. It is also important that you keep an eye on the progress and change tactics if the goal doesn’t seem possible to be reached by your deadline.
Many bosses hardly communicate to their members on a regular basis. It is understandable that as the leader, you are tasked to manage the whole team and hardly have anytime to talk to them. But in all successful businesses, companies, and teams, communication has always been the key. Regardless of your busy schedule, it is important that you save some time for regular meetings and provide updates on the member's designated tasks, as well as the overall standing of the team.
Give Your Employees/Members the Time they Deserve
And we don’t mean it by slacking off. Every time your employees/members have something to say or have an idea, allow them to express it. Focus on them and make them feel that they are important as well. Learn more with Sasha Jacob on how to create a harmonious relationship between your employees.
Recognize Achievements
Every employee wants to do give their all and impress their boss. It is important for them to feel gratified after a long day at work, for doing their best, or for achieving something. Generally, employees perform better if they feel that they are relevant to achieving the company's goals. By rewarding them, it gives them a deep sense of pride which can also change the whole working atmosphere. This can change their perspective and would give them a more positive outlook.
Come Up With Lasting Solutions
Every problem has a solution. Although sometimes, it takes a few trial and error, it all eventually leads to resolving the problem. The problem is some leaders would opt for the plain sight solutions and possibly overlook the source of the problem. It may be an easy way out but in order for you to avoid wasting time on constantly getting back to the problem, you have to spot the source of it. Once you found it, focus on it and think of ways to fix it once and for all.
Lastly, never take it too seriously. Although running a team or a company is a tough business, never let the weight of the responsibility take the fun and passion out of your working environment. Like Sasha Jacob Toronto, every successful leader learns to work hard and play hard. Within the 20 years of serving in different industries and sector,Sasha Jacob has learned to balance the responsibility by trusting his team at Jacob Capital Management Inc. and by keeping the relationship among them professional yet genuine. The team has been prospering ever since from being a small firm to finally operating globally.
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